Membuat Folder Divert

Membuat Folder Divert

folder divert adalah suatu program untuk membuat folder berpindah fungsi
sehingga ketika dimasukkan tujuan folder berbeda. bingung ??
Folder Diver dibutuhkan jika anda ingin membuat folder pribadi.
inilah cara cara membuatnya:

1) buka notepad
2) Masukkan code dibawah ini

mode 50,17
color 8B
title Input Password
set/p "password=Password :"
if NOT %password%==astikadharma goto salah
goto menu
title Password Inccorect
echo Inccorect Password try again
goto password
color 8B
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Folder Protector v 1.0 by Putu Wira Astika Dharma
echo (c) 2009 - 2012 wira3d
echo -------------------------------------------------
echo [1] Secure Folder
echo [2] Unsecure Folder
echo [3] Exit
echo -------------------------------------------------
set/p "pilih=>"
if %pilih% == 1 goto lock
if %pilih% == 2 goto unsecure
if %pilih% == 3 goto end
goto bukan
title ERROR
echo invalid choice
goto menu
title .::Folder Divert::. v 1.0
echo Secure Folder
echo choose one do you want to convert your folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo [1] My Computer
echo [2] Control Panel
echo [3] Recycle Bin
echo [0] back to menu
echo --------------------------------------------------
set/p "pilih2=>"
if %pilih2% == 1 goto my
if %pilih2% == 3 goto cp
if %pilih2% == 4 goto rb
if %pilih2% == 0 goto menu
goto bukan
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Secure Folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Drag your folder here to secure it
echo [0] back to menu
set/p "nama=>"
if %nama%==0 goto menu
ren %nama% "mycomputer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"
echo Succesfully Locked
goto menu
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Secure Folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Drag your folder here to secure it
echo [0] back to menu
set/p "nama=>"
if %nama%==0 goto menu
ren %nama% "File.{BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948F534}"
echo Succesfully Locked
goto menu
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Secure Folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Drag your folder here to secure it
echo [0] back to menu
set/p "nama=>"
if %nama%==0 goto menu
ren %nama% "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Succesfully Locked
goto menu
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Secure Folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Drag your folder here to secure it
echo [0] back to menu
set/p "nama=>"
if %nama%==0 goto menu
ren %nama% "Recycle Bin.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
echo Succesfully Locked
goto menu
title .::Folder Padlock::. v 1.0
echo Unsecure Folder
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo Drag your file
echo [0] back to menu
set/p "nama=>"
if %nama%==0 goto menu
if NOT EXIST %nama% goto unsecure
echo Give the name of your private Folder
set/p "folder=>"
if %folder%==0 goto menu
attrib -h -s %nama%
ren %nama% %folder%
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto menu

3) Save file itu dengan nama Folder Divert.bat
4) buka file itu dan masukkan password = astikadharma
5) Compile file itu menjadi exe dengan batch compiler ( cari di google )

Jika anda sudah mengerti kode kode tersebut anda dapat mengubah password atau nama
pembuat atau lainnya
Semoga berhasil

Comments :

2 komentar to “Membuat Folder Divert”
アライ シケイワイ mengatakan...

agak kurang ngerti nihh...

Anonim mengatakan...

coba visit program yang sudah jadi sobat disini , semoga bisa membantu :)

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